Fatigue Test

GIESSE TECHNOLOGY’s dental implants have been subjected to mechanical tests to evaluate their resistance to operating stesses.

The tests were performed on the complete implant system, including the endosseus implant and the abutment, according to the load scheme defined in UNI EN ISO 14801: 2016 "Dentistry - Implants - Dynamic loading test for endosseus dental implants".

During the tests, which were contucted at the Material’s Testing Laboratory of Politecnico Milano and at the laboratory of CERMET, a certification body, the implant system was subjected to the application of 5,000,000 loading cycles.

All tested GiEsse Technology dental implants have shown to have a pratically infinite operating life (conventionally set at 5,000,000 cycles) under normal mechanical stesses produced by chewing.

Test with straight abutment


Test with angled abutment

Test con moncone dritto

Test con moncone dritto

Test con moncone inclinato

Test con moncone inclinato