Manufactoring of oem components supplier, wounded metal coils for implantable cardiac pacing leads Manufactoring of oem components supplier, wounded metal coils for implantable cardiac pacing leads

StimulAIS project - 2014 | StimulAIS Giesse Technology S.r.l. Valencia 21 May 2014 | |

StimulAIS project - 2014


IBV - Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Edificio 9C. 


Wednesday, May 21st 2014


The 18-months meeting of StimulAIS project had been arranged by Synimed. This meeting took place in IBV facilities, Valencia, Spain, on Wednesday May 21st, 2014.

All consortium partners were represented in the meeting and had the opportunity to share the state of the results achieved so far, as well as discuss about the work progress, next tasks and expected results (functionality, definitive prototypes assembly, animal experimentation and validation of StimulAIS system), giving rise to the most critical issues for a successful consecution of the next milestones in the last stage of the project.


"The aim of the StimulAIS project is to develop an alternative of treatment for the moment of detection of the disease. This alternative is minimally invasive and physically imperceptible for the patient, so it avoids the psychological risks of the current treatment of bracing. With our system we intend to avoid the progression of the deformity and, even, its correction."

During last months, project has had a special contribution of Giesse Technology S.r.l.

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme ([FP7/2007-2013] ) under grant agreement n° [315327].